It is macroeconomic study that helps to analyze the causes responsible for economic fluctuations in the economy and also provides measures to check them through fiscal and monetary policies. There are three economic units in an economy- consumers, producers and government. It is that branch of economics theory which deals with the behavior of individual economic units in the economy such as individual households, individual firms, industries, etc. Identify the differences between macroeconomics and microeconomics.
Economics is a branch of social science that deals with the study of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. It is the way of analyzing the process of allocating resources. It can also be defined as the principles of organizing money, business, and industries. Economics is a single subject and its analysis is not possible by splitting it into two watertight compartments.
Prices and quantities have been described as the most directly observable attributes of goods produced and exchanged in a market economy. The theory of supply and demand is an organizing principle for explaining how prices coordinate the amounts produced and consumed. In microeconomics, it applies to price and output determination for a market with perfect competition, which includes the condition of no buyers or sellers large enough to have price-setting power. Microeconomics is the branch of economics that concentrates on the behaviour and performance of the individual economic agents within the economy such as consumers, family, industry, firms, etc.
Thus, the study related to individual units of the economy and small aggregate units such as market demand and industries lies in the scope of microeconomics. Microeconomics studies the economic behavior of specific economic elements and specific economic variables. The units of study in microeconomics are parts of the economy like households, firms, and industries. Thus, the study of the economic performance of households, firms, and industries creates the subject matter of microeconomics. Macroeconomics studies the behavior of the entire economy, while microeconomics studies the behavior of individual consumers and firms.
On the other hand, macroeconomics is generally focused on countrywide or global economics. Its studies involve total economic activity, dealing with growth, inflation, and unemployment. In this article, we have discussed the key difference between micro and macroeconomics. The primary comparison between Micro vs Macro has been made above which can help you get a clear understanding of both branches of economics. As you read the subjects in greater depth, there will be a lot more to analyze.
Understanding both Macroeconomics and Microeconomics principles is important for gaining a comprehensive understanding of the economy and making informed economic decisions. Here is a comparative analysis of the two terms for our better understanding. Formulating several economic policies such as the balance of payments, fiscal policy, monetary policies, and so on. There is a great importance of macroeconomics in the financial model of a country.
So now, we understand that macroeconomics is a specialized field of Economics. It focuses on the economy through the aggregate of the individual units to determine a large impact on the complete nation. Microeconomics is the study of decisions made by people and businesses regarding the allocation of resources, and prices at which they trade goods and services. It considers taxes, regulations, and government legislation. Microeconomics is the field of economics that looks at the economic behaviors of individuals, households, and companies.
There is both practical and theoretical importance of microeconomics. The primary significance is that it helps in determining the prices of commodities in an economy. Microeconomics plays a vital role in formulating policies that help in enhancing production efficiency and result in greater economic welfare.
Macroeconomics studies economies in terms of the country as a whole. Microeconomics fails to explain how the economy functions as a whole. Additional implications are the circumstances that cause particular action. Additional implications can either be verified or falsified. Scientific theories imply that there are circumstances under which a phenomenon/action will reoccur. People face tradeoffs when income is limited and can be used to buy different products and services.
The scope of macroeconomics does not involve studying the individual units of an economy. But the economy studies the total and average of the entire economy. The major factors include national income, total employment, total savings and investments, aggregate demand and supply, and the general price level. As macroeconomics studies the entire economy of a country as a whole, it helps in understanding the functioning of a complex modern economic system. It allows determining the level of national income and employment with the help of aggregate demand and supply. Macroeconomics analyzes the fluctuations in business activities and helps in maintaining a stable price level.
Explain the difference between macroeconomics and micro economics. Welfare economics is an important branch of microeconomics. Microeconomics also examines whether resources are efficiently allocated and it spells out the condition for the optimal allocation of resources so as to maximize output and social welfare. The goods are produced with the joint efforts of factors of production. The reward is to be given to the owners of the factors of production in the form of wages and salaries, rent, interest, profit, etc. Two examples of macroeconomics include studying the causes of inflation and analyzing the effects of government spending on GDP.
The utility maximization problem is the heart of consumer theory. The utility maximization problem attempts to explain the action axiom by imposing rationality axioms on consumer preferences and then mathematically modeling and analyzing the consequences. The utility maximization problem serves not only as the mathematical foundation of consumer theory but as a metaphysical explanation of it as well. That is, the utility maximization problem is used by economists to not only explain what or how individuals make choices but why individuals make choices as well. Microeconomic theory progresses by defining a competitive budget set which is a subset of the consumption set. It is at this point that economists make the technical assumption that preferences are locally non-satiated.
Examples of industries with market structures similar to monopolistic competition include restaurants, cereal, clothing, shoes, and service industries in large cities. That is, the higher the price at which the good can be sold, the more of it producers will supply, as in the figure. The higher price makes it profitable to increase production.
It lays the basis of a regional decision-making mechanism in a nation. Business activities also result in societal costs like deforestation and land degradation. The government carries out clear laws and legislation to regulate such social expenses. These regulations serve as a barrier for business organizations. The Reserve Bank is establishing monetary policy in coordination with the Government. These policies are the measures taken to maintain economic stability and growth by regulating the different interest rates.
In a competitive labour market for example the quantity of labour employed and the price of labour depends on the demand for labour and supply of labour . For a given quantity of a consumer good, the point on the demand curve indicates the value, or marginal utility, to consumers for that scope of micro and macro economics unit. It measures what the consumer would be prepared to pay for that unit. The corresponding point on the supply curve measures marginal cost, the increase in total cost to the supplier for the corresponding unit of the good. The price in equilibrium is determined by supply and demand.
With an understanding of economics you can perhaps improve those outcomes for you and your organization. We will cover the standard models of decision making, models of consumer and producer behavior, equilibrium, and welfare. Microeconomics focuses on the study of individual markets, sectors, or industries as opposed to the national economy as whole, which is studied in macroeconomics. This chapter examines the history, origins, and scope of microeconomics. The term “economics” was derived from the Greek words oikos meaning house and nomos meaning managing, thus the original definition of economics was household management. It is often considered as the foundation on which macroeconomics builds.
Economists commonly consider themselves microeconomists or macroeconomists. The first known use of the term “microeconomics” in a published article was from Pieter de Wolff in 1941, who broadened the term “micro-dynamics” into “microeconomics”. Microeconomics is the study of the individual agent, whereas Macroeconomics is the study of aggregate variables. Microeconomics studies individual behavior and decision making, while Macroeconomics studies aggregates such as unemployment rates and gross domestic product. The scope of microeconomics includes product pricing, factor pricing, and theories of economic welfare and so on.
It ensures that it is available to future generations and there is an equilibrium. Individual investors may be better off focusing on microeconomics, but macroeconomics cannot be ignored altogether. Fundamentaland value investors may disagree with technical investors about the proper role of economic analysis.
Enotes World is an online study portal where you find different study materials on different content. We cover topics related to economics, management, finance, research, law, and other contemporary issues. Macroeconomics also serves as the foundation of many economic policies.
In simple terms, microeconomics and macroeconomics are not independent of each other. It means that Microeconomics and Macroeconomics are interdependent. Macroeconomics focuses on aggregates andeconometric correlations, which is why governments and their agencies rely on macroeconomics to formulate economic and fiscal policy. Investors who buy interest-rate-sensitive securities should keep a close eye on monetary and fiscal policy.
The UPSC Exam assesses candidates’ knowledge and understanding of these concepts, and their application in real-world scenarios. Macroeconomics and Microeconomics are important for understanding how the economy functions. Know all about its Scope, Difference b/w Macroeconomics and Microeconomics & Limitations in this article.
Similarly it deals with the mass poverty, low per-capita income and income inequality in underdeveloped countries. Macroeconomics studies how general price level is determined. It is also related with the problems, causes and effects of inflation and deflation in economy. Economics analyzes how economic agents satisfy their unlimited wants by carefully using their relatively limited resources.